Saturday, November 7, 2009

Forthood Shooting

The attack in Texas at Forthood left thirteen people killed. Many have been debating about weather this was an act of terrorism or and just another tragic shooting. The shooter was Nadal Malik Hasan, he was Palestinian born and a devoted Muslim. Before shooting the people it was said that he was dressed in a large, ceremonial, white gown that many people wear before praying. He was seen in this white gown 7 hours before the shooting had began at a local gas station near the Forthood. From his conversation with the gas station owner, he is seen smiling at the local surveillance camera. His behavior was completely normal and relaxed, therefore no one had a hint as to what was about to happen. His conversation with the clerk at a local gas station was about his intentions about finding a pious wife who prays every Friday and is strict in the religion.

If we look at his reason to hurt these people it's simple. He was going through a lot of pressure with killing a bunch of Muslims. How can another Muslim kill a Muslim brother. Recently, Nadal had posted a blog about suicide bombings. In his words he described the courageous act of one solider jumping into a grave and saving the rest of his fellow comrades. And that was what Nadal wanted to do; he wanted to save his fellow Muslims from being shot by a flock of American solders, whom I presume were mostly christian. He said in his blog that the best way to do this was to do it when people take you off guard.

I understand that it may be hard for him to hurt the Muslims, but then what I don't understand was why he decided to join the army then. Nadal was seriously wounded it was said, but he was not dead. People are anxiously waiting for his ambition to kill. In my opinion the evidence is there. He didn't want to go oversees to the middle east whom he derived from. Another factor was the fact that he was a psychiatrist. Some say that the constant job of being a doctor for the American solders can become traumatic because he made take his work into his professional life. The clerk at the gas station reported that Nadal would stress about the idea of going to the Middle East.

It is no wonder that many people presume this was a terrorist attack. The Muslim community fears backlash against the Muslim faith. What people need to understand is that just because there are extremist out there it doesn't mean that the Muslim religion is to blame. Many people are saying that jihad encourages these Muslims to kill, but Jihad only means self defense. If someone is coming at one during battle then they have the right to fight back. Jihad also means to struggle against corruption. Many people these days do not do the right things and it is getting harder to do the right thing. An act like this is exactly what is wrong, obviously. In the case of Nadal, no one was attacking him and in the end he ended up killing innocent people. It was reported that a pregnant women was among the thirteen people who died. How on earth did a pregnant women get shot? she was at the wrong place in the wrong time. Nadal was going against his faith because the religion does not say go a head a kill innocent people. People should preach but, no one can force a religion on another. In Nadal's eyes he felt like he was seen as a hero for his fellow Muslims. In the Muslim community many see him as a bad example and are mourning for the families that have lost a loved one.

It is important to see both sides of a story. It is Understandable to see the United States as an enemy as it is to see the Middle East as an enemy. In the end, there always going to be bad people in any region. The U.S army was reported torturing middle eastern soldiers, while there are extremists like Osama bombing buildings and killing innocent people. So which side is the good side? In my opinion there is no bad side good side. There is a mixture. The United states may be fighting back for self defense and in a way doing Jihad, self defense. But does fighting back justify torture solders? NO. Yes, the United States should fight back, but they should be cautious as to not perform any acts of vengeance. Because once, vengeance comes into play the United States becomes no better than the ones they are defending themselves against. We as a nation must, unite together and stop any 'Ism, such as racism, sexism and terrorism and be good role models for the rest of the countries. The United States is a melting pot, which is a better reason for people to unite together.

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