Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Strive for Better

I have been staying up for three days straight trying to catch up on school. I need to stop procrastinating...that's what everyone says right?

Well it's true...After watching the Obama stay in school speech I felt motivated to do better this year. We are a nation with a bad reputation in education. Many foreign countries are far superior in their education system. Sure, there may be scientist from Europe, Doctors from India and Architects from the middle East. But America is a melting pot and which means we have doctors, scientists, and architects living and working together. When our knowledge combines we become the powerful country we are today. The United States schooling system is different from many countries. In my opinion I think the united states schooling system is actually good. Over here we are taught to be well rounded people who are forced to think critically and ask questions. Students in the united states don't just sit there and memorize all day. There are also fun activities that we do when we are younger like art, band, music, and even PE was fun. By engaging in these activities at school as children we discover talents that we thought we never had before. For example, I am very creative and it must of came out during those times I had to take art class. Also, ( I think) I am a good writer. I like to make up stories because the information is not simply given it's up to you to put it in words and paint a picture. If I went to school in India I doubt that I would ever discover this creative side that I have. Instead I would memorize facts and focus more on structured learning. Math would be no problem because they don't use calculators; everything is taught by hand. In Japan, students don't ask questions; they just sit there and write notes. There is no talking to the instructor and instead of the kids moving from class to class, the professor leaves and another one comes in and the kids stay at their desk all day.

I like the United States because where else can you learn square dancing in school? Or how about singing in those 5Th grade musicals and plays that you had to perform in your music class? Schooling in the untied states is very social and we interact with each other and that's how you learn to think critically. Also it's nice to see a variety of people from different backgrounds. That way we can learn about each other's cultures and learn to pick up the good characteristics of every group.

Overall, the problem is not the schooling system, but the inability for people to pay for college and high drop out rates in high school. If everyone simply stayed in school and never dropped out that would have a significant increase in our future. The U.S would no longer have a bad reputation when it comes to school.

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