Pocahontas is a cool movie made by Disney. But it's just a movie the real story of Pocahontas is not as happy, and it's really sad. When hearing the real story you begin to see the realistic historical perspective that Europeans had with Native Americans. Basically Native Americans as Disney put it, were looked upon as savages. And, instead of Pocahontas living, she eventually dies! In Disney no one dies, except in Bambi and Lion King. :(
There are a lot of differences from the real story and Disney's version. For example, Pocahontas and John Smith are the same age in the movie, but in real like Pocahontas was only 12, while Smith was in his late 20's. When Pocahontas was seen she wasn't clothed as nicely as she was in the movie, and her figure was nothing like that of Disney's version. Instead she was mostly naked and wore a dress later when she was a little older. John smith probably wasn't as good looking as he was in Disney.
Another big difference is that Pocahontas did not choose Smith, instead they were just friends. She did However, choose John. She chose John only because he took a special interest in her. Unfortunately, Pocahontas was kept captive when she was on a social visit in Jamestown. John agreed to free her if she married him. She ends up marring John and they have a kid. John uses her to commericalize Tobacco and also in a propaganda campaign for the colony. She is forced to be taken off a ship when on her way to Virgina with her husband and son and ends up dying there on the ship.
In the end she is buried, but it is destroyed because they build a church on her burial site. By the way her name is not "Pocahontas" it's only a nickname which means "mischievous child." I think Disney did a good job creating a happy story for our entertainment. But the real story ( in my opinion) is much more entertaining because it's REAL. It is sad, but it is a mark in history that has changed the way people think about others. We are more tolerant today because of our mistakes in the past. Anways if you are wondering why I know all these facts, I researched it on the internet. (http://www.powhatan.org/pocc.html)
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