Today was not such a good day because I don't like my haircut! :( Getting a new haircut takes some getting use to since I haven't gotten one for like 3 years. I cut off about 6-9 inches of my hair off..I don't know why but many men say they like long hair becaue it is more femminant. I decieded to do some research to find out why. Before I show you my results, personally I think that it is more attractive to them because they want something to grab and men like small faces so long hair hides women's faces. But my face is sooo small already! c'mmon I wear children's frames in glasses and I am 21... That's why I thought of cutting my hair shorter so that my face wouldn't look so small. But too bad I still look like im 16, on some days 18, and maybe even 20 if i wear something more profressional. oh well, im stuck with my small face and it's always a plus to look young...right?
Anyways someone from yahoo answers found that Linda and Jack palmer from the Discovery Health Channel, say "there have been studies that prove men are attracted to long hair because it signifies good health and fertility. Subconsciously men are hardwired to notice tiny details in women such as fullness of the cheeks, color of the skin and other more sexual details that indicate a good candidate for passing on genes with a good partner. On a purely animalistic (pre health care caveman days) level a woman that is healthy enough to grow nice long hair is probably not sickly or vitamin deficient. It is a biological advantage for a male to pass on his genes to a female that is healthy enough to carry his offspring to term and beyond." I think that is so stupid and it shouldn't matter if a women has long or short hair, you know? What if she has a pretty face? Which one is better a not so good looking female face with long gorgeous hair or a short haired women with a beautiful face...I'm talking perfect complexion, smooth skin, small face, big bold eyes, and soft lips...lol (you know what ever is attractive for males...Idk) It shouldn't matter about the hair, but I guess it does!
It all depends on culture really. In Africa having short or no hair can be attractive and in places like India long, black hair is always attractive. In Indian culture having short hair is mainly things that little girls have. Having short hair looks cute, but not attractive. Lol Janelle from yahoo answers says " It's sexy! just like flowy dresses, long hair hides and reveals..." welll Janelle... (if that's your real name! :)), I guess your illistrating that short to medium hair is more modest! A more logical reason for males to say that they like long hair is because a lot of men have short hair and women are suppose to be opposite from men. If a man has short hair and a woman has short hair then he might feel like the woman is too close to having his characterisitc which is short hair...I explained this a little oddly, but hopefully you get the picture...geez let me put it this way...when you see a girl hugging a guy with short hair as well, with the girl's face buried in his arms, it looks like the guy is hugging a guy not a girl. Same thing would occur if I was hugging a guy with really long hair up to his shoulders, it would look like two girls hugging, if you couldn;t see his face.
Anyways it's a cute style, but I'm a little worried.. I don't look the same without long hair. My hair doesn't do that flippy thing because it's too short and I can't put it up as high. And it's too short from the back because it doesn't flow alll the way down to my back. No worries though, If I am confident about my hair than I think I can play it off. It's all about finding what style works best with your messsed up hair...If it looks like i love my hair than I bet people will love my hair too!
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