Alcohol can be a complicated topic. Completely getting rid of alcohol may seem like a simple solution, but in reality that's not the case, as we can see from history. In the 1920s prohibition didn't do the trick. It only made alcohol drinking go underground. Outlawing alcohol obviously didn't stop people from drinking or solve all the problems. It seems the only realistic option that I can think of is to educate the public on the consequences of drinking alcohol and teach specific ways of how to drink responsibly. Then you just have trust and hope everything works out, just like a parent with a child. You can't completely control; just teach and hope it turns out for the best.

Some people may say that the drinking age should be reduced to eighteen or nineteen, but I disagree that the drinking age should be changed to a younger age. Even though it really doesn't matter because everyone knows that everyone in high school drinks. They will always drink no matter what age it is because there is nothing else to do. I agree that there should be education programs out there targeting the negative effects of alcohol. I'm sorry but the DARE thing we learned in elementary school doesn't help. If alcohol is portrayed the way it should be then people will want to drink responsibly, if not completely stop. people drink because alcohol is portrayed positively and unrealistically. People look disgusting when they drink. Their eyes are rolled over and blood-shot, they smell, they can't walk, they look stupid, they act stupid, and they become violent and emotional and even afterwards when they get a hangover they STILL look ugly. And the video was right people drink so there is an excuse for them to behave a certain way like sexually. This is especially true for girls! :( and then they get taken advantage of.
Everyone says the same thing when it comes to alcohol. Rarely anyone ever drinks for the taste of it or to run away from their problems. The number one reason why people drink is to socialize. It's sad that they need alcohol to feel more confident and to reduce stress that they may have in a social setting. It's not that hard to talk to people. Especially drunk people because they act so dumb, you can say anything you want to them and they won't even remember! So why are people shy when they are surrounded by people who are drunk. If they just act how they normally would it would actually be better; they should be more confident because everyone around them looks ridiculous and unattractive. people fall everywhere and laugh for no reason and then puke out of no's funny how that can be "intimidating" and because of people like that one has to drink to fit in. The booze doesn't make you do anything that it’s not already inside you. No one lacks confidence because it's already within them. They just use booze to bring it out and they shouldn't have to rely on a drink to do that. It's better to say that you are naturally confident.
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