My day started off very fast... As soon as I woke up I took a shower, got dressed, and didn't even get a chance to blow dry my hair because I was running late. Ofen I find that when people are in a hurry things go wrong...
Things that went wrong today:
1) I nearly lost my contact lenses
2) I forgot my cell phone in the car
3) I forgot to get the car keys from abid
4) I am stuck here until seven 0 clock.
I got here about 1 o'clock and have been reading and typing notes for 68 pages of my CPH class. I have a test today that is due at midnight. Hopefully I wll Ace this test because last time I didn't do so well because I was having health problems and didn't get a chance to prepare for the test. Not only that, but my realtionship was hostile at the moment. When people are angry a lot can go wrong and they end up fighting the whole day and not really doing anything in the end. Somtimes I don't even eat on these days. And of course we don't study and are really tired. So I have been trying to avoid hostility by simply talking it out and not being angry. Finding little things during the day that make you happy, works too. Also having fun, really gets rid of negatve moods.
The good news is I have sucessfully prepared for my exam and now all i have to do is take it. I went to my Hindi class and instead of the usual class we had to make up skits and present them with a group. The assignement was to pick a scene from a movie or show and translate it into hindi, excpet using our made up diologue not the original diologue. The instructor made it so confusing. She should have just told us to make up our own skits and they have to be in hindi. So we spent like an hour looking up scenes on youtube, until I finally took charge and said we are characters from Scooby Doo, here now let's make up a scene. No one in my group was really listening so I took charge and wrote the script for everyone in English. Then somone from our group who spoke hindi fluently translated my english version of the script into hindi. Finally, we all departed and a girl said she would take the script home and make copies for everyone. Hopefully, everyone shows up next class period because we are expected to perform the script, but I have a feeling that everyone won't show up because they don't care. Hindi class is a joke, pretty much everyone get's A's and we are never assigned homework. Even the midterm is not graded, it is simply there so we can prepare for the final. The final is graded and that's our only grade. I don't know anyone who's ever gotten a B.
Anyways, now that hindi class is I am writing this blog and others until Ican go home!
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