People need to start becoming aware of global warming problems and issues with wasting resources. I think as humans we are naturally destructive. We use the jungle for our own benefit and then trash it by burning tons of felids for beauty products and medicine. We also waste water all the time. People occasionally leave the faucet leaking and don't care to tightly turn the knob. We also are endangering the natural resource of water and oil by drilling into the ground. The more we drill, the worse our water quality is and the more expensive oil becomes.I am sure that everyone is aware of the damages we are doing to our planet.
The issue now is; how do we conserve energy!?
To conserve natural resources one should do the following things in their house hold:
The Kitchen:
*Turn off the lights when no one is in the kitchen*install a faucet aerator so that you don't waste water
* make sure the refrigerator door is sealed tight to save electric. If it isn’t then wipe off dried food from the gasket and adjust the door
* There may be coals under and behind your refrigerator. Unplug and vacuum the fridge 2 times a year.
The living room/Bedroom:
* Replace your incandelescent bulbs with fluorescent bulbs. This will emit less heat because fluorescent bulbs use less energy and stay cooler than incandelescent bulbs.
*Turn your lights, stereo, TV, and air conditioner off, or fan to save electricity.
*replace your shower head with an energy efficient shower-head that uses 10 liters or 2.5 gallons per minute.
* replace your faucet head with a faucet aerator
* Turn off the faucet when you brush your teeth!
* replace bulbs with fluorescent bulbs
* Turn off the lights when you don't use them
* seal your window from drafts.
SOURCE: check it out ---> (http://www.bhg.com/home-improvement/remodeling/eco-friendly/easy-ways-to-go-green)^
How to go green:
- Bike/walk to school / get a HYBRID!!
- skip bottled water and use a water purifer that attaches to your faucet or is a water jug
-Don't pour chemicals down drains, or flush drugs down toilets; it could come back in diluted form in your water.- Unplug things that glow, ( TV, computer, stereo, VCR) because even if they are turned off it continues to draw power that you payyy for!! ( you will save $200-a year!)
- Recycle your electronics because if 1 million people recycled that would keep 4 million pounds of lead of the ground
- fix your faucet if it drips it can save 74 gallons a day!
- Let your grass grow; it can make the grass healthier because it absorbs more sunlight that way and requires less watering
- Use ENERGY STAR!! A household with Energy Star products uses about 30 percent less energy than the average household -- an annual savings of about $570.
- Do full loads of laundry and dishes- Saves water, money and power
SO please save the planet. We need to appreciate what we have and take care of it because it is our home! We can’t do it alone we need to all contribute. PLEASE READ THIS BLOG! It’s very beneficial! IF you care about your home then SAVE IT; it is a crime!!! Do NOT NEGLECT your home.
SO please save the planet. We need to appreciate what we have and take care of it because it is our home! We can’t do it alone we need to all contribute. PLEASE READ THIS BLOG! It’s very beneficial! IF you care about your home then SAVE IT; it is a crime!!! Do NOT NEGLECT your home.
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