Thursday, November 26, 2009

Taking Care of The Elderly

Taking care of elderly is hard even if they arn't sick. My grandma is illiterate. She cannot even tell time. She also travels from house to house staying with her kids for three months. It's sad because she gets disrespected by her kids because she does a lot of things she isn't suppose to do. She acts like a kid. She always gets yelled at and things like that for touching things and then not putting it in the right place. I try my best to keep her happy. I bring her meals and somtimes entertain her by setting up the television so she can watch a religious movie and talk to her somtimes. In the film this was common. When the elderly are old it's like they are a child, so fragil and needy and gentle. Another common problem was how adutls did not want to take care of their elderly parents. Thats a very big problem in my family, sadly they fight about the amount of time she has been at their house and agrue about who's turn it is to keep her. This make me think about how my own parents expect their kids to take care of them. They are bad role models because they don't even want to take care of their own parents! of course, I have my own opinion and in the end I think I will be the only one who really cares for them. My siblings do not tend to my grandma's needs and often send me to help her. The film is right when it mentioned that there is always that one family member who ends up taking that responsiblity to take care of their parents and they often do it alone.

I think that in order to solve the problem that of elderly it is important to see how we can take care of our health now to prevent many of the problems we will experience if we get old and ignore the problem now. Osteporosis, diabetes, arthritus, thyroid, andso on can all be prevented just by keeping a good diet. According to CDC, "Proper elderly nutrition and eating habits are crucial to maintain quality of life: control blood sugar levels to avoid diabetes, maintain good vision, a positive mood, good sleep, better eyesight, energy, bone and muscle strength, digestion, good elimination, etc. Some are severely affected with poor diet, causing sometimes serious elderly nutrition problems. " We also are going to have more elderly people in the future because we are living longer these days. CDC also adds that " Elderly nutrition problems are an important concern for health officials -- the Centers for Disease Control estimate that by 2030 the U.S. population will double, to about 71 million older adults. That is about one in every five people. We are, as they say, on the "brink of a longevity revolution." It is crucial that we focus on a healthy lifestyle, and nutrition tops the list. " This also means there will need to be more efforts to ensure that the needs are met for all the elderly people. and it will not work out in the future if it is not working out now. Not even enough is done now for the elderly, so how can we expect anything to be done in the future to meet the needs of double the elderly population in the future. Thus, we should take care of our health now, so we can reduce our health issue in the future. One of the main reasons my grandma can still take care of herself is because she is not ill. She was physically active as a farmer while she was young and it payed off. Stay active and eat right now so that we can prevent some disease, but if its genetic nothing can be done.

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