Dating violence can occur most commonly among adolescence and college years and can range from physical violence, sexual assault, and emotional abuse. During adolescence forming a relationship is a key component in an adolescent’s developmental process and being single is considered an issue among males and females. The idea of being single makes students believe that the girl must be prude or the guy must not have any “game.” Because many adolescents are still changing and growing they are developmentally immature and therefore, easily influenced. The term developmentally immature refers to an adolescent’s inability to make rational decisions due to the fact that they have not reached the full capacity of adult decision making skills. Some relationships that adolescents engage in become abusive and they do not realize this because they lack experience in relationships. Because there are many forms of dating violence, college students are also included in the statistics for dating violence. Many college students are sexually assaulted because of th
e common place to drink in college.
Dating violence most commonly occurs with females, but studies suggest that males may also be victimized physically and emotionally. However, males injure females more severely and frequently and this may continue and eventually lead to death. Therefore, there is a need for prevention programs to educate the youth about dating violence so that dating violence can be prevented and reduced if has already occurred. In order to make dating violence prevention programs more effective, dating violence must be clearly defined, the frequency must be reviewed to accommodate the many people in need of aid, the different forms of dating violence: physical, sexual and emotional must be studied, how the problem effects the individual and well being of the community must be analyzed, and the risk factors of dating violence and its forms must be explored.
The reason why dating violence must be clearly identified is because the def
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